
Videos of our founder Dr. Geoff Pfeifer offering dog massage instruction and an assortment of testimonials from some very satisfied pet owners!

Cherri - 
"My soon to be 13 year old boy developed arthritis last year. 
When we stopped seeing results with acupuncture and herbs, my amazing vet sent me the link to check out PCQ and the response was almost immediate relief, I'm talking three days. His limp was noticeably less, he stopped whimpering with movement and he was less restless and was able to rest and move comfortably. 
He runs, he romps and loves rolling in the snow again. 
I'm grateful for your product."

Cindy - 

"I have an English Springer Spaniel named Ollie who is 11 years old. For the past two months... It was getting harder for him to get up or jump up onto the bed, something he had always done easily. Almost immediately after using PCQ Ultra™ he was running and jumping again! I couldn’t believe it! He is moving so much quicker now and seems to be feeling really great!"


Josh - 

"Wylie is doing great on his PCQ+Ultra...his fur is even starting to grow back!"


Karen - 

"My dog Zero couldn't close his mouth, his jaw hung down and he couldn't eat or drink and was incredibly sad. Searching online, it seemed like it was something called Neuropathy. I gave him your product hoping that it would help him and within two days he was almost all better! Within a week he was back to normal. It's so nice to have Zero back and happy, thank you so much!"


Lisa -

"I started using your product over a year ago in Laverne's morning food. No more skin flare ups since then, and I have noticed more flexibility and an added eagerness to “hit the trails” in the morning! Thank you, Vital Pet Sciences, for making such a high quality holistic product that has amazing results!"


Nora -

"Scruff is not in pain anymore and his inflammation is reduced. He's happier and smiling."


Sam -

"My little Penny had a terrible rash on her butt, and she couldn't leave it alone so it got worse and worse. I gave her the Vital Pet Sciences product and it started making it better really quickly. Within a week it was all gone. Penny asked me to say thank you!"