The Hidden Signs of Pancreatitis in Dogs and A Breakthrough New Solution


Like many older dogs, Dixie, an 11 year old Boston Terrier, was starting to feel the signs of aging. She had long been suffering from joint pain, pinched nerves, a slipped disk, and even frequent ear infections, but her condition was worsening. 

On top of all of these issues, she began having seizures. She was no longer able to lift her own head or go outside to use the bathroom on her own and would cry from even the softest touches from her family members. Things were not looking good.

This caused her owner to face one of the hardest decisions of her life: Continue to medicate Dixie and helplessly watch her condition slide, or make the heartbreaking decision to say her goodbyes and help end her suffering.

Neither option felt good. That’s when she decided to pay one last visit to her vet hoping for a solution.

It was at that fateful visit that she was given some good and bad news. First the bad; she learned that Dixie may have Pancreatitis. The vet filled her in on all the details.

The Warnings Signs of Pancreatitis

The pancreas is an organ in the gut and digestive system that helps to digest food and control blood sugar. In the case of pancreatitis, digestive enzymes that are normally inactive until reaching the small intestine become active in the pancreas instead—resulting in extreme pain and swelling as the pancreas actually begins to digest itself.

Warning signs of gut issues such as pancreatitis are not always obvious, and are often mistaken for something less serious. Consult your veterinarian if any of these symptoms last for more than a day:

  • refusal of food
  • sore and swollen tummy
  • vomiting
  • hunched back
  • fever or low body temperature
  • diarrhea
  • lack of energy
  • difficulty breathing
  • dehydration
  • irregular heartbeat
  • restlessness

What Causes Pancreatitis in Dogs?

Experts aren't sure what causes pancreatitis and while it can occur in any dog, some breeds are more prone to it. It’s also more common in:

  • females than males
  • middle-aged to older dogs
  • dogs with bad eating habits
  • dogs that are overweight

Veterinarians often see an increase in pancreatitis around the holidays, since many people like to celebrate by sharing their special meals with their dog. The condition may also arise as a side effect to a drug, or as a by-product of Hypothyroidism or Diabetes.

In the end, sometimes what triggered it is never discovered. Early intervention to prevent further complications should be a priority. 

Pancreatitis Treatment Options

Once a dog has had a bout of pancreatitis, the chance of recurrence is high. Thus the focus instead becomes keeping the dog as comfortable as possible and managing the pain and inflammation until the attack passes.

The most common veterinarian treatment and management options are:

  • Intravenous (IV) fluid therapy in severe pancreatitis
  • Vigorous monitoring of a worsening condition
  • Medication for nausea and vomiting (to prevent dehydration)
  • “Resting” the pancreas by withholding food and water for 24 hours.

The Good News: A New Promising Solution

The good news is that the vet revealed she was seeing very promising results with a new clinically proven supplement called PCQ Ultra™ and recommended she start using it for Dixie right away.

To the shock of Dixie’s owner (and the vets) within 24 hours Dixie was able to eat on her own and even able to go outside and use the bathroom. Her tail was wagging and it could only be described by her owner as “a complete 180.”

So what exactly is the new supplement that dog owners everywhere are excited about?

What is PCQ Ultra™?



PCQ Ultra™ is a daily supplement for dogs that combines only three all-natural and safe ingredients (PEA, Quercitin, and Curcumin) in order to provide fast acting relief for pain and Inflammation in many areas of the body. 

After years of research and clinical trials, Founder Dr.Geoffrey Pfeifer, PhD has now released PCQ Ultra™ to the public. With the help of Texas A&M University, their research on how well it worked was so groundbreaking that it even received a patent!

It has been proven to have a synergistic or multiplying effect, meaning it is much more effective than supplementing with individual ingredients alone.

Where Can I Get PCQ Ultra™?

Right now PCQ Ultra™ is only available at select vet clinics and online at their official website.

To say thanks for all the great customer feedback and attention they’ve been receiving, Vital Pet Sciences is now running a fall special where you can get up to 35% off when you order multiple units and and a 60 day money back guarantee, so you can try it risk free today! Don’t miss out on this awesome deal before it’s gone.





Disclaimer: The above statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.